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13 Best Digital Marketing Online Courses and Tutors 2023

Online TeachingTop List

Traditional learning methods are slowly being replaced by advanced and effective digital learning techniques. You can conveniently teach yourself digital marketing by taking an online course right from the comfort of your home. There are tons of digital marketing online courses; you need to find the right system that suits your needs.


With most companies looking to go in the digital direction, taking a digital marketing course will ensure you remain relevant in the industry. Besides garnering the skills to help companies market themselves in the digital space, you’ll also increase your likelihood of getting employed.


Here’s an overview of the 13 best digital marketing online courses to ensure you choose the best digital marketing course.

1. Google Digital Marketing Courses

The best online marketing courses don’t have to be paid versions. Google offers free learning on a wide array of business subjects. Digital marketing, in particular, is provided through the platform, and you can get a certificate after completing the course.


Some of the marketing training courses offered include:


  • Starting an online business
  • How can customers find you online
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Social media advertising
  • YouTube course

2. Amphy Marketing

Explore over 50 different marketing courses on Amphy, covering everything from the basics of the industry to how to use digital channels to reach consumers. You can expect to learn about the 4 P’s of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion, and walk away from the course feeling confident to get started in marketing in today’s world. 

3. HubSpot Academy — Content Marketing Certification

Digital advertising has a lot to do with content; content is KING. It’s through content that digital marketers can drive impactful campaigns.


To learn the right content marketing skills, you should take the Content Marketing Certification course offered by Hubspot Academy. It’s a free course to help you get superior skills to market products and services online.

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There are tons of digital marketing online courses; you need to find the right system that suits your needs.

4. Conversion Academy — Strategy Mastery

Getting more leads is crucial to running an effective sales campaign. The Conversion Academy’s Strategy Mastery course is ideal for individuals looking to improve their skills in getting quality leads and moving them down the sales funnel.


By the end of this course, you will have garnered the right skills to become a marketing guru in the sales niche. You’re given a certificate at the end of the course, giving you more credentials to boost your digital resume on LinkedIn.

5. Reliablesoft Academy — Digital Marketing Full Course

Reliablesoft Academy also offers comprehensive digital marketing courses online. This is a great course if you’re interested in knowing more about SEO and enhancing your digital marketing skills. There are ten courses offered in the bundle, including:


  • Digital Marketing Basics
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook/Instagram Ads
  • Content Marketing
  • Keyword Research
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • eCommerce SEO
  • Google Analytics
laptop with marketing information

6. Semrush Academy

Semrush is a company that has been successful in the field of digital marketing. To serve their clients and audience better, they have an academy offering free online digital marketing courses.


The courses cover SEO, content marketing, affiliate marketing, PC, and social media marketing. Upon completion of the digital marketing course, you get a certification, giving you a huge boost for your CV.

7. Moz SEO Training Course

Moz grew from being a mere blog where early SEO experts shared their expertise on this platform. They have been successful, and today they offer free digital marketing courses on Udemy.


Reviews from individuals who have attended these courses indicate that they are more theoretical. Therefore, they are recommended if you want to learn digital marketing basics.

8. ClickMinded Digital Marketing Course

ClickMinded is another successful company offering free digital marketing courses with paid certification. The courses offered cover just about anything you want to know to become a digital marketing expert. Training offered here covers the following topics:


  • Paid advertising
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Sales funnels
  • Google Analytics
  • SEO
  • Email marketing


One impressive aspect of ClickMind is that you are trained by experts working in big organizations.

9. Rethinking Marekting Course 

In the Rethinking Marketing Course, you’ll get an introduction to new metrics and customer-driven strategy. The three-course lesson will teach you how to add new age management to your business and acknowledge the need of customers.

10. HubSpot Online Marketing Courses

You might have heard of HubSpot since it’s a renowned company in digital marketing. HubSpot Academy offers online digital marketing courses. The company is known for providing digital marketing tools like SEO, CRM, sales, and marketing tools.


Their marketing course covers the following topics:


  • Content Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Social media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Contextual Marketing


Registration for the courses is free, and you’re offered a certification once you complete the course. Other courses are offered but don’t have any certificates, including blogging, search engine optimization, Facebook ads, and more

11. Email Marketing Course — Sendinblue Academy

While email marketing might be perceived as a traditional means of communication, it continues to compete with some of the best modern marketing tools. This is the main reason why Sendinblue Academy offers an Email Marketing Course.


The basics of email marketing you’ll learn here include:


  • Data protection
  • Managing and segmenting contacts
  • Growing your subscriber list
  • Creating campaigns

12. Influencer Marketing 101 Course — Influencer Marketing Hub

Influencer Marketing Hub is also known for its Influencer Marketing 101 Course. It’s an informative course suitable for marketers and brands. This class teaches you the basics of influencer marketing to the most advanced topics you should be aware of. However, it’s a paid course and doesn’t come with a certificate.

13. Introduction to Digital Marketing Course

The Introduction to Digital Marketing Course is one of the best digital marketing online courses for beginners who want to understand the basics of digital marketing. It covers what digital marketing is, how you use it for your business, and all the technical jargon used in the industry.

Final Notes

Generally, there’s so much you can learn by taking the social media marketing courses and digital marketing online courses listed in this post. Some courses are free and come with certification, which gives you a major boost in your digital resume on LinkedIn. Choose the best course depending on what you want to learn from the program. 

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