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120 Spanish Travel Phrases That are Easy to Use and Remember

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With more than 500 million native speakers worldwide, Spanish is the official language of around 13% of the global population. 


For world travellers who find themselves in Spain, Mexico, or one of the other 20 nations where Spanish is the official language, take a look at these courses to help you enjoy your trip. Speaking and communicating with others is the main goal of learning a new language, so whether you are learning Spanish in person or online, these 120 Spanish travel phrases will boost your language skills and help you make fast friends with the locals.

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As you pick up on Spanish phrases for travel, it's essential to spend a reasonable amount of time learning how to communicate in a restaurant.

Spanish Greetings and Goodbyes

The Spanish language is full of different ways to say hello. Most Latin countries embrace a warm, friendly culture that encourages sparking up conversations with old friends and strangers alike.

Greetings and Responses

Greetings in Spanish change according to the time of day. For example, you wouldn’t necessarily say “¡Buenas noches!” to tell someone you’re going to bed, but rather in the same way that you would say “good morning” or “good afternoon.”

  1. ¡Hola! – Hello!
  2. ¡Buenos días! – Good morning!
  3. ¡Buenas tardes! – Good afternoon!
  4. ¡Buenas noches! – Good night! 

Depending on the age and familiarity of the person you’re speaking with, Spanish greetings have different subjects and verb forms. 

For friends, you can say: 

  1. ¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

As a sign of respect and formality for those you are not familiar with, use:

  1. ¿Cómo está? – How are you? 

There are several responses to that question, but the most common answers would be:

  1. Bien, gracias – Good, thank you.
  2. Estoy bien – I’m fine.
  3. Muy bien. – I’m terrific.
  4. Mas or menos. – I’m okay.
  5. No muy bien. – I’m not so good.

You can also respond more politely, asking how the other person is. Remember to use “tu” for friends and “usted” for strangers.

  1. Excelente, gracias! ¿Y tú/usted? – Excellent, thanks! And you?
  2. Bien, gracias! ¿Y tú/usted? – Good, thanks! And you?

You may hear someone say:

  1.  ¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name?

You would respond with:

  1. Me llamo (your name) – My name is (your name). 



When meeting someone new, be sure to tell them:

  1. ¡Mucho gusto! – Nice to meet you!

Simple Spanish Phrases for Goodbye

When a conversation is over, be sure to say goodbye! Just as with greetings, there are formal and informal ways to tell someone farewell. 

To say goodbye informally, try:

  1. ¡Adios! – Bye. 
  2. ¡Chao! – Bye-bye!
  3. ¡Nos vemos! – See you!
  4. !Hasta la vista! – So long!

For more formal situations, you can use:

  1. ¡Hasta luego! – See you soon!
  2. ¡Hasta la próxima! – Until next time!

Basic Spanish Conversation When You’re Confused

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re unsure what someone else is saying, you should be able to communicate that.

  1. ¿Habla inglés? — Do you speak English?
  2. ¿Me puedes ayudar? – Can you help me?
  3. Yo entiendo – I understand.
  4. Yo no entiendo – I don’t understand.
  5. ¿Entiende? – Do you understand?
  6. Perdon. – I’m sorry.
  7. Habla más despacio, por favor. – Speak slower, please.
  8. Por favor repita. – Please repeat.
hola in neon sign on a brick wall

Most Common Spanish Phrases When Dining

As you pick up on Spanish phrases for travel, it’s essential to spend a reasonable amount of time learning how to communicate in a restaurant. 

Spanish-speaking waiters will ask questions like:

  1. ¿Qué desea beber? – What would you like to drink?
  2. ¿Qué desea comer? – What would you like to eat?
  3. ¿Qué quiere? – What do you want? 
  4. ¿Qué desea ordenar? – What would you like to order?
  5. ¿Todo está bien? – Is everything okay?
  6. ¿Cómo está todo? – How is everything?

Try these Spanish sentences to practice how to respond: 

  1. ¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor? – Can I see the menu, please?
  2. ¿Qué recomienda usted? – What do you recommend?
  3. Un momento, por favor – One moment, please
  4. Necesitamos más tiempo para decidir. – We need more time to decide.

When you’re ready to order, you can use these food words:

  1. Un cafe – a coffee
  2. Un te – a tea
  3. Una agua mineral – a mineral water
  4. Un zumo de naranja – an orange juice
  5. Una ensalada – a salad
  6. Una sopa – a soup
  7. Una entrada – an appetizer
  8. Un plato principal – a main dish
  9. El pollo – chicken
  10. La carne – beef

During your meal, you might need something. To get the waiter’s attention, you can say:

  1. Disculpa. – Excuse me.
  2. Perdón. – Pardon me.

At the end of the meal, you can prepare to leave with these easy Spanish sentences to say:

  1. Me gustaría algo de postre. – I would like some dessert.
  2. La cuenta, por favor. – The check, please. 
signs on a beach

Basic Spanish Sentences When Touring and Sightseeing

A common fear for tourists is that they might get lost on their travels with no way of figuring out how to get where they’re trying to go. But, there are plenty of easy Spanish words basic enough for non-Native speakers to find their way again. 

Useful Spanish Phrases for Travel Around Town

Remember the words for locations you’re most likely to look for during your trip:

  1. Un bano – a bathroom
  2. Una farmacia – a pharmacy
  3. El aeropuerto – the airport
  4. Un autobús – a bus
  5. La estación de tren – the train station
  6. El puente de venta de billetes – the ticket stand
  7. La oficina de información turística – the tourist information center
  8. Un restaurante – a restaurant
  9. Un supermercado – a supermarket
  10. Un banco – a bank

Common Spanish Phrases When Asking or Giving Directions

Not quite sure which direction to go next? Start by letting someone know! Catch their attention by saying:

  1. ¿Dónde hay (general location)? – Where is (general location)? 
  2. ¿Dónde hay un baño? – Where is the bathroom?
  3. ¿Dónde está (specific location)? – Where is (specific location)?
  4. ¿Dónde está Pasaje de Lodares? – Where is the Passage of Lodares?

Directional phrases you might hear are:

  1. A la derecha. – On the right.
  2. A la izquerda. – On the left. 
  3. Derecho. – Up ahead. 
  4. En la esquina. – On the corner. 
  5. A una (dos, tres…) cuadro(s). – In one (two, three…) blocks.
  6. Aquí. – Here. 
  7. Allí. – There. 
  8. En frente de… – Across from…
  9. Detras de…– Behind…
  10. Entre… y… – Between … and …
  11. Al lado de… – Next to…

Spanish Phrases to Know for Finding Transportation

Sometimes, walking to your next sightseeing destination isn’t feasible. In those situations, you’ll need to find an alternative means of transportation, most likely a taxi, bus, or train:

  1. ¿Dónde está la parada de autobús más cercana? – Where is the nearest bus stop?
  2. ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril más cercana? – Where is the nearest railway station?
  3. ¿A qué hora sale el próximo tren? – What time does the next train leave?
  4. ¿De qué plataforma sale? – Which platform does it leave from?
  5. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi? – Where can I get a taxi?
  6. ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete? – How much does a ticket cost?
  7. ¿Dónde puedo comprar un billete? – Where can I buy tickets?
  8. Un billete para (destination), por favor. – A ticket to (destination), please.
  9. ¿A qué hora es el embarque? — What time is boarding?

Everyday Spanish Phrases for Lodging and Hotels

Ready to check in to your accommodations for the evening? Keep these simple Spanish phrases in mind:


  1. He reservado una habitación. – I have booked a room.
  2. Yo tengo una reserva a nombre de… – I have a reservation under the name of…
  3. ¿Tiene servicio de habitaciones? – Do you have room service?
  4. ¿Cuándo es la hora límite de salida? – When is check-out time?
  5. ¿Puedes darme la llave de mi habitación? – Can you give me the key to my room?
  6. Yo tengo una reserva a nombre de… – I have a reservation under the name of…
spanish phrases

Other Spanish Messages for General Conversations

Sometimes, you’ll find yourself having a more general Spanish conversation. In those cases, these words and phrases can come in handy. 

Telling Time

Make sure you’re on time!

  1. ¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
  2. ¿A qué hora? – At what time?
  3. Es la una. – It is one. 
  4. Son las dos (tres, cuatro…) – It is two (three, four…)
  5. Es mediodia. – It is noon. 
  6. Es medianoche. – It is midnight.
  7. De la manana. – In the morning.
  8. De la tarde. – In the afternoon. 
  9. De la noche. – At night. 


Before you head out on foot, it’s worthwhile to know what the weather’s going to be like:

  1. El clima – the weather
  2. Soleado – sunny
  3. Despejado – clear
  4. Lloviendo – raining
  5. Nevando – snowing
  6. El trueno – thunder
  7. El relampago – lightening
  8. La temperatura – the temperature
  9. Los grados – degrees
  10. Calor – hot
  11. Calido – warm
  12. Frio – cold
  13. Fresco – cool

Popular Spanish Words in Slang

Finally, if you’re travelling to Spain, you might hear these Spanish lines come up:

  1. ¡Vale! – Sounds good!
  2. Pasta – Money
  3. ¡Hostia! – Expresses disappointment or surprise.
  4. ¡Que mono! – How cute!

Final Thoughts

Learning these phrases is a great head start in your Spanish Language journey! Check out Amphy to continue exploring more about the Spanish language and culture. 

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