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Financial Accounts Everyone Should Have


Important Financial Accounts

With so many different kinds of bank accounts out there, it can be confusing to decide which kinds. you need to open.


In this video, Mosun will share with you the 3 most important accounts that she believes everyone should have.

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Now with these different accounts, you’re on your way to getting ready for financial success.

3 Important Financial Accounts

Here are three different financial accounts everyone should have.


 Number one, a checking account. This is your main spending account. With this you can deposit checks, cash, or you can also have a debit card linked to this account.


 Number two, a savings account. You can use this to save money that you don’t want to touch in the short term. In some accounts, you can earn interest from the bank. However, you can make only a few or limited transactions on this savings account.


 The third account is a retirement account. Regardless of what age you are, you want to set up an account for retirement as soon as you can start working so that you contribute money to this account up until you’re ready to retire.


 Now with these different accounts, you’re on your way to getting ready for financial success.

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