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How to Switch to a Creator Or Business Account On IG


Change Your Instagram Account to a Creator or Business Account

In this video, Estee will show you how to change your Instagram account type to a creator or business account.


Estee is a Brand Strategist, Marketing Mentor and Social Media Coach who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs start, manage and grow their product or service-based businesses. She also help them understand how to show up online professionally, gain followers, and grow sales without all of the stress and overwhelm. She does all this with a focus on INSTAGRAM.

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You tap on it, you type in Instagram and the logo will pop up and you just download it and you add your email and that's it.

How to Switch to a Creator Or Business Account On IG

Hi, guys. I’m Estee. And if you’re new to Instagram or you’re already on the app, but you’re not 100% sure how to navigate, today I’m going to be teaching you how to go from a personal account to a creator account on Instagram.


So the first thing you’re going to do is open up the app, and if you don’t already have the Instagram app, just go to the App Store, which is your blue icon.


You tap on it, you type in Instagram and the logo will pop up and you just download it and you add your email and that’s it.


So you’re going to open up your Instagram account. You’re going to go to your account which is the lower right hand, the circle and Instagram. And then you’re going to click on the three horizontal lines, which is the menu bar or the hamburger on the upper right hand side. You tap on that and you select the first item, which is settings. And if you scroll two thirds of the way down, you’ll see account, and tap on that. And with your finger just slide gently down and you’re going to see in blue type, it says switch account type. 


So are you going to highlight that, And you can either switch to a business or creator account. And since I already have a business account, it offers me the personal creator. And the difference would be that creator account is if you are a public figure or an artist or a content creator or an influencer, you would want to creator account.


But if you have a business, obviously you’d want a business account. If you use planning apps, which I’ll show you in another video, or you can run ads, promote and obviously you can sell things.


So that’s it.


And if you like this tutorial, go on sign up for one of my classes and let’s get started.

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