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What To Do in the First 30 Days When Starting a New Job

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Are you struggling with fitting into your new workplace? You might have landed the job, but the task is just beginning. Everything is fresh and daunting in the first month job period. From finding new friends in the workplace, navigating the best ways to get work done in time, or even knowing how to dress for different days and occasions. How do you know what to do during that crucial first one-month job period? 


While some may call it overambitious to already be thinking about how to get promoted at work so soon, others will tell you that your one-month job anniversary could be essential in putting your best foot forward.


Read on to learn everything you need to know about kickstarting your professional journey at your new workplace in style.


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What Are the Top Three Priorities When Starting a New Job?

Starting a new job is difficult, especially without knowing exactly what falls under your job description. However, to be safe, you should balance familiarizing yourself with the company practices, building relationships with colleagues, and meeting your goals and expectations. 

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You should balance familiarizing yourself with the company practices, building relationships with colleagues, and meeting your goals and expectations.

How Do I Survive the First Month of Work?

The best way to survive the first one month job period of work is to thrive. It will help if you put yourself in a position to build relationships with your colleagues (which might include attending a few after-work events while you are tired from work). It would also help to keep your superiors happy by meeting their goals and expectations for you. 

What Are the First 30 Days of a New Job Called?

The first 30 days of a new job are called the introductory period. During this time, the general assumption is that you are still learning the ropes; therefore, mistakes and output take a more relaxed approach. 

Here’s What You Need To Do in the First 30 Days When Starting a New Job

Without much ado, below are some of the most important things you need to do in the first month for a great headstart at work: 

Making a Positive Impression on the First Day

You might have heard someone mention that you don’t get a second chance at making an excellent first impression. This remains true in the workplace. It would be best to ensure you arrive on time, are professionally dressed, and are cordial to your colleagues and superiors on the first day. 


On the first day, you should familiarize yourself with the workspace, including everything from the furniture to the people and even the systems used by the company. Occasionally, this might involve learning programming (if you haven’t already). 


Scheduling a meet and greet with key players in the workplace allows you to get a rough grasp of the office dynamics that might come in handy later on. 


Related: What is computer programming? 

Building Relationships at the Workplace 

The next step in creating the perfect working environment in your first month is building relationships at the workplace. While you might not be able to meet every employee (if you are working in a large corporation), you should at least try to meet key stakeholders and team members. You can do this by collaborating with HR to schedule an introductory meeting. 


In this phase, your interpersonal and communication skills will come in handy. Therefore, it would help if you polished them beforehand. Make sure you actively participate in group activities or volunteer in collaborations.

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Learning and Observing Company Practices 

The next step would be to learn and observe the company’s practices. Depending on your level of flexibility, this task might be a breeze, or it could turn into a Gordian knot to untie. While working, you should spend your time listening and learning, silently absorbing the procedures and policies related to the workplace. 


You might think it was all in the handbook, but there might be some unwritten (and even unspoken) rule that might save you from a lot of trouble. In this stage, you should seek clarification and feedback for your actions while noting how things are done. 

Setting Goals and Expectations

Meeting your goals and expectations is imperative to paint a positive picture in the minds of your supervisors and colleagues. Everyone loves a team player, and going above and beyond your expectations at the workplace can catapult you from the prying eyes of the introductory probation period. 


In this phase, you should spend time figuring out key company metrics and one-month job milestones and aligning your personal goals with the company’s objectives. This gives you something to work towards and ensures your efforts don’t go unnoticed. A good source of information would be discussing your expectations with your supervisor. 


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Seeking Mentorship and Guidance

Only a fool learns from his mistakes. While there is no better teacher than experience, sometimes you can save yourself the trouble by learning from someone who has gone through the exact steps you are going through and excelled in them. You don’t need to find everything out for yourself. 


From the small hacks that boost your productivity to the best places to grab takeout during your lunch break, a mentor can help streamline your introductory period. You should identify potential mentors and kickstart your relationship by asking for their guidance and support. 


Related: All the communication styles in the workplace

month job

Key Takeaways 

A strong start in your new job can save you months of doubt or seeking greener pastures because you cannot find satisfaction or fulfillment. The first 30 days are a make-or-break period for any new employee; therefore, you should make it your mission to try and put your best foot forward. You should build strong relationships with your colleagues and take a proactive approach to completing tasks. 


It would help if you prioritized continuous improvement. You can do this by reading more on related topics and conducting thorough research. 


Use the tips above to streamline your onboarding process at your new workplace!

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